Key Living Building Details

In September 2015, the Georgia Tech Institute of Technology received a $30 million commitment from The Kendeda Fund to build what the partners expected to become the most environmentally advanced classroom and teaching lab building ever constructed in the Southeast.

The partners had two shared goals:

  1. Lead by example through demonstrating that a building can foster regenerative systems in a mixed climate with cold winter and hot, humid summers.
  2. Amplify impact by inspiring change on the Georgia Tech campus, across the Southeast building industry, and the world.

The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design is the result of this bold vision. We accomplished the first goal in March 2021 when The Kendeda Building received Living Building Challenge (LBC) certification, the world’s most ambitious and holistic green building achievement. The Kendeda Building is the first Living Building in Georgia and the 28th in the world!

The Living Building Challenge is a rigorous, performance-based standard that aligns with Georgia Tech’s longstanding vision for the campus. Fully certified projects must meet all of the objectives contained in seven performance areas or “Petals” that are divided into 20 requirements called “Imperatives.” Moreover, the project must prove that it is net-positive water and energy over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy and operations. The Kendeda Building provides a unique opportunity to physically demonstrate how Georgia Tech practices thoughtful stewardship of all of its resources and how its innovative thinking can transform future generations.

Gift Amount: $25 million funded 100 percent of the design and construction costs and $5 million gifted to support programming activities ($4 million of which was contingent on LBC certification)

Location: Northwest corner of Ferst Drive and State Street on Georgia Tech’s Atlanta campus

Project Partners:

Site and Building Size:

Primary Use of the Building: Non-departmental education, research, and outreach opportunities. The "non-departmental" is extremely important because Georgia Tech wants the full breadth of its undergraduate students to have at least one class in the building so each of them can be inspired to help create a regenerative future.

The building features two 64-person classrooms, two 24-person class labs, two 16-person class labs, a 16-person seminar room, a 24-person makerspace, 176-person auditorium, rooftop apiary and pollinator garden, and an office space for co-located programs. The shared office space hosts the building Director and Senior Facilities Manager, Advanced Research Institute staff, and has flexible seating space for instructors and researchers performing research in the building.

Cost Details: